CryptoClub Partners
We are pleased to be partnering with the following organizations to develop and improve the CryptoClub program.

David Schaller, Principal and Lead Game Designer
Pete Moretta, Unity Developer
Steve Wagner, Graphic Designer
Steve Matheson, Front-End Developer
Paul Zobitz, Back-End Developer
Eduweb is an educational software development firm that has developed award-winning online learning games and educational websites for museums, zoos, and other educational organizations. Eduweb and the CryptoClub team work closely to design games and other digital material for our educational cryptography website, The Eduweb team does the production work, including graphics and programming.

The National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP)
Karen Peterson, Chief Executive Officer
Casi Herrera, Educational Programs Manager
NGCP is an organization that seeks to broaden the participation of girls and women in all fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education by supporting research, dissemination of research, and extension services in education that will lead to a larger and more diverse STEM workforce. As partners on our current NSF broad implementation grant, NGCP recruits and facilitates communication among organizations within its network that serve as CryptoClub Training Hubsites.

Educational Development Center (EDC)
Ginger Fitzhugh, Senior Research Associate
Sarah Armstrong, Research Assistant II
Jessica Brett, Research Associate II
Sara Greller, Research Associate I
EDC is and organization that designs, implements, and evaluates programs to improve education, health, and economic opportunity worldwide. EDC leads the evaluation of our project's work on our current NSF broad implementation grant. The EDC team gathers feedback from CryptoClub leaders and youth to help us know how the CryptoClub program is doing and to help make the program better.